Podcasting for Beginners

I wanted to share the process of creating a podcast. There is no point creating a podcast if it can’t be shared. Sharing is usually done through a podcast host platform. I happen to use Podbean. Buzzsprout and others are available as well. Most have a free and then paid version. Podcasts can be subscribed to from platforms like Apple, Spotify and more. You can embed them in websites as I have done here in this sample.

You will typically create your podcast, upload it to your channel and then share it to various locations. It is always good to test that your listeners will be able to view your podcast. I was prompted to write this as Tanya Moran asked me onto her Courageous Dialogues podcast and as teachers and trainers, we thought it would be good to share the process with other educators.

Tanya and I will work on the process of getting a podcast and then vodcast to air and share that with you. We will focus on Adobe products as we are both Adobe Education Leaders – but will also cover alternate tools you can use on either the PC or Mac platforms.

There are many takeaways from sharing the behind the scenes actions and tasks associated with podcasting, video creation, website publishing and more. The main one is that by creating more and more episodes, you get better, faster and learn more. By doing these things, you then can share a refined workflow. Take a listen to our podcast we did a couple of weeks ago after I took Tanya for a flight in my small plane over the beaches out towards Gunn Point.

While not the flight I took Tanya on, this is the plane. Click the link below to view pictures and the podcast from that flight.


Learnshifting podcast – the why, what and who The Learnshifting Podcast

This podcast is based on content from my Learnshifting.com blog. The focus there is singularly on assisting ICT professionals in schools and the teachers and students in accessing that technology or resources that enable them to create, for instance, multimodal stories and get the most out of everything from the Internet connection into their schools to the hardware and software being used.
  1. Learnshifting podcast – the why, what and who
  2. MS Teams as a Teaching Tool
  3. Vikings – Character Animator Voiceover

This is an example of embedding a podcast using the “embed podcast” plugin available through Jetpack. I simply went to my podbean account and got the share link and pasted it into the dialog box.

To create the podcast, I use Audition. There are many excellent tutorials out there, but I would start with this How To Guide from Adobe for using Audition. If you don’t have access to the Creative Cloud, the free Audicity is extremely powerful, supports multi-track and delivers exceptional quality.

I hope you can join Tanya and I on future posts as we develop and share our podcast experiences.

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