A little disclaimer and personal philosophy

My product promotion philosophy

A little about product promotion and my philosophy as a blog writer of an independent blog.

I am always conscious of there being a perceived conflict of interest when I comment positively and endorse products or services. Today I have spoken about products used in my work environment, selected by groups of people who I have nothing to do with and certainly paid with by funds from budgets and procurement processes completely disassociated with me. Even though I state that the opinions expressed here are my personal opinions, they are in part based on my experience working in the education space since 1988.

Although this blog is independent from my day job, I do not include affiliate links, just links to the website or products. I do endorse products I believe in and think are good for students and teachers, but I distance myself from procurement activity so I can freely shout out when products are good without fear of anyone suggesting a conflict of interest. If the product is bad? Silence from my side. If the actions of actors or companies are bad, I might call them out as a warning to teachers and students but not to the point where I end up in a defamation fight with the entity I am commenting about. That has never happened by the way.

The bottom line is that I like sharing positive information about education technology solutions that are useful and affordable to schools, teachers and students leading to learning outcomes that apart from involving growth, knowledge and betterment – also exhibit my learning philosophy of FAIR (Fun, Aspirational, Inspirational and Respectful)