17 April – this page is still being developed – I wanted to share it with folks to get feedback. Intended audience is teachers and mums and dads. I am focussing on 100% free apps at the moment. I plan on creating an overview video on how these might be used at your school or in the home.
Here are some great free applications that we use. Here are some general considerations for the purposes of guarding the privacy of your kids and the security of your data, which generally means the security of information about your kids. The discussion about security is continued on this page.
Back to the applications which are mainly websites. I have grouped them into the following categories. Just because items appear in one category, it doesn’t mean they don’t have content in other categories. The Khan Academy, famous for maths tutoring, also has great learning content covering HASS subjects and more.
- English and Literacy
- Maths
- HASS (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
- Creativity Tools (to create pictures, posters, multimedia projects, journals, talking puppets, web sites, videos and more)
- Wellbeing
- Reference, PD (Professional Development) Information Sharing – mainly for teachers, parents, tutors, coaches and carers
- Programming
- Typing Tutors
Latest educator newsletters from Microsoft and Adobe – Always worth a quick read.
English and Literacy
HASS (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
Creativity Tools
Microsoft Reflect (only available in schools)