Child personal information privacy and data protection

Here are some general considerations for the purposes of guarding the privacy of your kids and the security of your data, which generally means the security of information about your kids.

Here are a generic set of recommendations and considerations when it comes to guarding the privacy of your kids and the security of your data while also allowing exploration and use of apps to learn.

To add another level of consideration, “fake news” isn’t about stealing information about our kids, but it is designed to promote a view, a view that needs to be understood in the context of who is actually promoting that view or information while also applying fact checking where possible.

So this page covers data privacy and security of personally identifiable information about our kids… the term our kids could be the children in your care as their parents or the children in your care in a school or other kind of institution. It also covers the steps and tools available to educate those same kids in media literacy so they can make truly informed decisions about the content they are exposed to.

To Be Written – Generic conditions of use to protect privacy of kids and data security when using apps where a sign in is required.

Resource sites to help with decisions about apps

ST4S (Safer Technologies for Schools)

NT Department of Education approved app catalogue (only available to NT Education Department Staff)

Apps and Sites to assist with media literacy skills – ie identifying fake news.


Microsoft Search Coach (Only available through MS Teams in our school environment)