Generic conditions of use to protect privacy of kids and data security 

  • Staff should register student accounts using the education option/settings available within the service.
  • Use anonymous and/or organisational details wherever possible.
  • Complete only mandatory fields.
  • Do not use your normal schools password.
  • Do not subscribe to the service’s mailing list.
  • Set student profiles to ‘private’.
  • Do not add organisational information or student personal and sensitive information (e.g., information that could be used to identify the user, including photos) to this service.
  • If teachers create their own online learning activities and/or games, minimise the potential disclosure of personal or sensitive information through use of free text fields by utilising pre-defined response options (e.g., multiple choice) where possible.
  • Disable the publication of student results, so they are not visible to other account holders or the public.
  • Staff should preview content before displaying to students.
  • Staff should closely supervise students at all times when using this service.
  • Schools must ensure that parental/carer consent is obtained before this service is used in schools and by students.
  • Where no parent consent or opt-out option has been provided, the service can be utilised anonymously or with a pseudonym.
  • The school is to ensure a Privacy Information Statement (PIS) is made available and shared with parents and carers, available on eLearn.
  • Schools must ensure they have read and understood all the documentation provided by the vendor.
  • The school must negotiate technical support and training directly with the vendor.
  • Schools must contact the vendor in writing if incorrect or inaccurate personal data is uploaded to the solution.
  • Schools must maintain a register of digital applications in use.
  • All staff should complete information management training particularly about sharing information.
  • Ensure student & staff data is captured in department Core systems where required.
  • Schools must request from vendors to remove data for apps no longer in use.
  • Schools must report personal data breaches to_____________
  • Use in line with this Conditions of Use document.
  • Schools are to ensure student data that is being collected is directly related to the primary purpose of the solution.