The GoPro8 is a great camera and I have had mine for about 9 months. I use it extensively on my small ultralight plane and recently on my lockdown walks around Melbourne I have carried it in my pocket as the inbuilt gimbal provides smooth footage even when walking with it and holding it in my hand.

Read as I provide some usability tips in the context of using the GoPro with a class of young students.
I liked the GoPro so much that when asked to recommend items for the Territory Day Video Competition prize, the Gopro8 and media mod were at the top of the list.
I have created a video with the school based recipients of those prizes in mind and I also wanted to include a link to GoPro Quik which the folks at GoPro have slightly hidden for reasons not worth worrying about.

My recommendation if you have the media mod connected and you don’t want to pull several things apart and potentially lose that tiny micro-sd card, just plug the USB C cable into the back of the media mod or into the camera and use GoPro Quik to copy the files across to your laptop and then use Premiere Pro or Rush to edit and produce.
You can of course use the phone or iPad to copy and edit – and that is the way the mobile-first solution is going. Again I was imagining a class of grade 5 students engaged in a filming exercise and trying to get videos into a central editing location.
I have also created a video about how I carry my mini-studio around – my kit is a little more home-made than the packages provided to schools, but there are some tips in there for what to take and what to do when on a filming project with the GoPro.