Hierarchy of Basic Digital Literacy Needs

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is very popular among educators, and I have modelled a basic digital literacy needs, skills, tasks and tools for young primary students on a similar look to show the hierarchy of competencies students should accumulate in order to take on learning in an education technology centric learning environment. It is about … Read more

Microsoft Stream – A big improvement

Whenever you record a meeting in Microsoft teams it is actually being saved as a Microsoft stream video. With the recent release of the updated version of MS Stream you now have some powerful editing tools at your fingertips. This includes the ability to trim the ends of your video and cut out sections within … Read more

Adobe Creative Challenges – Quick, Fun Learning

I have just completed the May challenge. Here was the challenge… Here was my effort… If you click the link below, it will take you to a remixable version of my effort. https://new.express.adobe.com/published/urn:aaid:sc:AP:c78eba6a-deba-473b-9e79-826124336f56?promoid=Y69SGM5H&mv=other …and here is a video about the little add on to the original challenge. All of this software is free for our … Read more

The big image library cleanup

Your images are scattered everywhere on hard disks. This post, one of a few will share my experience with a personal digital library of hundreds of thousands of photographs and images. This library continues to grow as I add images from our travels, local flying around Darwin and also family. Many people would be in … Read more

Free tools to improve recorded audio

Noisy classroom, poor-quality laptop? Trying to get the students to create multimedia stories on their school laptops or iPads in the classroom or library? Been there and done that. Adobe podcast is an online solution you can use to not only record a podcast but also get your students (and you) to learn the best … Read more