I like walking and taking photographs of things. This year I plan to create an Adobe Express Webpage for each month, simply containing a collection of photographs taken on walks, journeys or adventures. There will be three or four of these mini-albums or photo grids for each month. A kind of visual diary. A haiku or Japanese poem will accompany each album. Fortunately for most readers, the words of these poems are in English and designed to capture the feeling of each photo grid in 3 short lines.
I start with November 2021, even though I could probably go back decades.

Apart from creating shareable memories, I am hoping to create and provide examples we can use in the classroom for multimedia storytelling which in years to come might be a product pitch to an angel investor, or preparing a modern resume for a job opportunity.
I have used the library feature in Adobe Express to create a template for the haiku and these can be quickly and consistently created.
I will probably create a master Adobe Express Web Page with the months as a thumbnail link. The thumbnail will take you to the individual scrolling webpage with photo grid albums.
The thirty second (maximum) video intro at the start of each month is created in Adobe Character Animator. I am using the puppet generator to create different puppets to present the monthly overview.
Lots of fun and it highlights how much we can cram into a single month.