The New Social Media Law

I emphasise that I am sharing my personal perspective here, not my employers… as education departments across Australia have only just started to consider the ramifications of the law. My intention when preparing this was that I wanted to self-inform so that my multimedia storytelling musings in SMOOTHIES shared with teachers and other educators were … Read more

Record and share a Webinar – PowerPoint and Vimeo

Table of Contents Purpose You have a presentation, a lesson, a vlog post, podcast or knowledge nugget you want to record and share with others. What tools do you have to make this easier to produce and hopefully assist you in producing a high-quality recording. For the purpose of this sample, I will assume that … Read more

Making a clickable web picture – SVG Hotspots

The image below has clickable hotspot links to URLs, in this case mainly Lightroom albums of photographs taken on my trip to South America in 2023. I am using a free software Generate Responsive Image Maps | ImgMapper. It is very easy to use and implement responsive clickable websites. The process of creating a scalable, … Read more

Adobe Podcast V2 Enhanced Audio

I was pleasantly surprised when I went to and found that my request to gain access to enhanced speech version 2 had been approved. If you work at a school and have access to the education version of Adobe Express or the Adobe Creative Cloud, go to Adobe Podcast | AI audio recording and … Read more

Panda Diplomacy – Giving Back

熊猫 Xiongmao is Panda in Chinese. I have adopted the persona of a “Panda Dad” as I balance out the “Tiger Mum” in our parenting Yin and Yang life model – a model shaped by our own temperaments and characteristics rather than any conscious effort to shape our parenting and coaching style. I can’t draw … Read more

Revisiting the merged MS Planner

Reference Links (I googled these for you 🙂 – They are from Microsoft and I include them here to share with folks that already have Planner available as part of our work teams environment. Microsoft planner has been around for quite a while, and now it’s a new version. It integrates the features of Microsoft … Read more